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It's the End of the Central Soapers Workshop (Here's Why)

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the end of central soapers workshop

I've been stewing on a major decision... And I'm finally ready to share... Oh my.

(Before we get to that, here's your earworm. Yum, REM.)

In 2012, I was a little cranky about all the soapy gatherings that were happening everywhere else but here... near Kansas City.

So, hey, quit yer bitchin' and do something about it was my natural internal self response. (Yes, I do talk to myself.)

I embarked on what has become a four year long journey, bringing Central Soapers Workshop to the masses and fulfilling the wish for a central United States conference for soapmakers.

CSW has pressed on, beyond the closing of my first soap company, the giveaway of my second soap company, a foray into the possibility of a biz partnership, the pass-off of my massive ingredient co-op hosting group, and so much more. Alas, the only constant in life is change...

and CSW is saying goodbye.



Y'all are the first to know that CSW 2015 is the last one ever, because I want you to know two things.

1. You have to be able to adapt and roll with the punches.

When I started CSW, it was the perfect gig for me, but it's time for me to move on. Over the next year, there are some major changes brewing in my life and there just isn't room for a stationary (hint, hint) event.

Is your curiosity piqued?

Several years ago, my other half told me about this magic underground world of people who lived in RVs, trailers, and converted school buses, 24/7/365 - traveling, exploring, living without a traditional roof over their head. The whimsy of it kind of took him by storm, and shortly, we were talking seriously about the viability of the idea for our family.

It's been two years since we started planning... in April, we'll begin the journey by getting rid of all of our possessions. (Oh my!) By this time next year, I'll be writing this blog from who-knows-where. It might be lovely, it might be horrible, but the only way to find out is to do it.

I'm not going anywhere. I have amazing things planned for our adventures that will always include my soapy tribe. I really can't wait to start sharing those with you.

2. You have the opportunity to learn from all around you.

This year, I reached out to some of my favorite people in this industry to make sure Central Soapers Workshop was amazing. You may have heard of some of them - from the amazing Donna Maria of the Indie Business Network to the Soap Queen herself, Anne-Marie Faiola of Bramble Berry. And some peeps you might not know, like my blue-haired doppelganger in business, Danielle Vincent of Outlaw Soaps and half of the amazing duo who landed Gratitude Soapery, Stud Preston of Sudz by Studz.

While I wanted to make sure soapmakers had the opportunity to learn from amazing people in the industry with the creation of CSW, it has taught me so much about myself, my business, and what I'm capable of doing. That's the true beauty of it.

Whether you attend (or have attended) CSW in person or virtually or not at all, you have the opportunity to learn from anyone and everyone all the time. I learn from my mentors, but I also learn from my clients. I learn from my tribe when they email me, but I also learn from people who don't even know what handmade soap is. I am always learning.

Have you ever wondered how Modern Soapmaking came into existence?

Here's the truth: Central Soapers Workshop is why it exists. CSW showed me where I belong in this industry - teaching, sharing, and loving up on other soapmakers. Because of CSW, I adapted my career and learned how to follow the true passion I have for soapmaking. I truly couldn't be more grateful for that, and I think it's the best gift it could have ever given me.

I'm waffling, I know. This is hard, guys. Letting go of my blood, sweat, and tears of four years is killer. It's the right thing to do. I'm looking onward and upward. I am extremely excited about what CSW2015 will be, but I am even more excited to see what's on the other side.

If you were on the fence about Central Soapers Workshop, I want you to know now that this is the last one, before registration closes on March 1st. This year, we jumped the fence and became the first conference to offer virtual registration where you can attend from anywhere in the world.

I hope you'll join me for a last hoorah, but even if you don't, remember those two things about business: Adapt. And learn.

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